An Introduction to Flowcharts
A flowchart is a visual representation of a process, system, or algorithm. It uses standardized shapes and arrows to map out the steps involved, making it easy to understand the flow of information and decision-making. Imagine it as a roadmap for your logic, laid out in a way that anyone can follow.
Why to use flowcharts?
Flowcharts are valuable tools because of following important reasons:
- Clarity in communication: They break down complex processes into simple, visual steps, making them easier to understand for both technical and non-technical audiences.
- Problem-solving: Flowcharts can help you identify and analyze potential problems or bottlenecks in your process.
- Planning and documentation: They provide a clear roadmap for planning and executing a process, and serve as valuable documentation for future reference.
- Improved efficiency: By visualizing the flow, you can identify areas for optimization and eliminate unnecessary steps.
- Collaboration: Flowcharts facilitate better communication and collaboration within teams, as they provide a shared understanding of the process.
Applications of flowcharts:
- Software development: Flowcharts are used to design and document algorithms and programs.
- Project management: They help plan and track projects, identifying key milestones and dependencies.
- Business analysis: They aid in understanding and documenting business processes.
- Education: They are used to teach concepts in a visual and engaging way.
Basic elements of a flowchart:
- Start/End symbol: An oval shape indicating the beginning and end of the process.
- Process/Action symbol: A rectangle outlining a specific action or step taken.
- Decision symbol: A diamond shape representing a point where a decision needs to be made, usually with two or more arrows leading out based on the possible outcomes.
- Input/Output symbol: A parallelogram signifying either data entering the process (input) or data leaving the process (output).
- Connector: Lines and arrows connecting the different symbols, showing the direction of the flow.
Flowchart Symbols: Each flowchart represents a solution to a given problem definition. It is prepared using following common symbols:
Figure: Flowchart Symbols
>>> Read more details about RAPTOR.
Basic Flowchart Template
Figure: Basic Flowchart
Explanation of Basic Flowchart Template
Step-1: Start
Step-2: Begin your process 1
Step-3: Take decision (Check some condition)
Step-4: Based on answer from Step-3, execute Process 2 or Process 3. If answer of step 3 is No, execute Process 2 and repeat Step-2, 3 and 4; otherwise execute Process 3
Step-5: End
Example of Flowchart
Flowchart Examples
- Flowchart to print 10, 9, ......, 1.
- Flowchart to Add two numbers.
- Flowchart to subtract two numbers.
- Flowchart to print area of square.
- Flowchart to print area of rectangle.
- Flowchart to find largest of three numbers
- Flowchart to find remainder using subtraction.
- Flowchart to convert uppercase letters into lowercase
- Flowchart to check a prime number
>>> Read Flowchart - Advantages and Disadvantages
>>> Read Top Flowchart Software
Introduction to Flowchart drawing tool - RAPTOR
RAPTOR is one of the popular tools to design and evaluate Flowchart. This tool is designed to help students to visualize their algorithms.
Raptor is a simple-to-use problem solving tool that enables the user to generate executable flowcharts. Raptor was written for students being introduced to the computing discipline in order to develop problem solving skills and improve algorithmic thinking.
>>> Read more details about RAPTOR.
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Great explanation of flowcharts and their applications! The examples you’ve shared, like checking odd/even numbers or converting uppercase to lowercase, are excellent for beginners learning flowchart design. If anyone is looking for a user-friendly flowchart maker to try out similar examples, Creately flowchart maker might be helpful. It provides easy-to-use templates and tools to bring these concepts to life!