
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Flowchart to print Series of Numbers divisible by 3

Draw a flowchart to print Series of Numbers divisible by 3:

2178  726  242  81  27  9  3  1 


  • Step 1: Read a starting number which is divisible by 3
  • Step 2: Divide current number by 3 to get a next number
  • Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until you get a number 1. 
Following flowchart is prepared using a Raptor Tool.

Flowchart to print series of numbers divisible by 3
Figure: Flowchart to print series of numbers divisible by 3

This Raptor flowchart also uses a CEILING function. In Raptor, CEILING returns the lowest integer value greater than or equal to the provided argument. 

For example, 

  • CEILING(15.8) is 16 
  • CEILING(3.2) is 4 
  • CEILING(- 4.2) is - 4

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