
Sunday, April 26, 2020

MCQs C String - Set 2

MCQs C String - Set 2

Question 1. The _________ string library function can be used to read multiple words from user. 
A. getc()
B. gets()
C. getchar()
D. getche()

Question 2. Which of the following string function can be used to copy n characters from one string to another string? 
A. strncpy() 
B. strcat() 
C. strncat() 
D. strlen

Question 3. What will be the output of following C program?

int main(){
  char state[20]="Gujarat India";
  printf("%d", strlen(state));
  return 0;

A. 13
B. 14 
C. 20
D. none of these

Question 4. What will be the output of following C program?

int main()
    char fname[20] = "K";
    char sname[20] = "Patel";
    printf("%s\n", strcpy(strcat(fname, sname), sname));
    return 0;
A. K Patel 
B. Patel 
C. K 
D. none of these

Question 5. What will be the output of following C program?

int main(){
    char str1[30] = "C Programming";
    char str2[30] = "Top C Practicals";
    printf("%s", strncpy(str1, str2, 16));
    return 0;
A. Top C Practicals 
B. C Programming Top C Practicals 
C. C Programming Top 
D. none of these


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