
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Graphical Report - Project Demo

Project Demonstration - Graphical Reports 

This project shows how to generate Graphical Reports of Student's Class Test from "classtest.txt" data file without use of <graphics.h>. 

Assume classtest.txt file contains RollNo and MarksObtained by the students. This program will display horizontal BAR chart of the Marks obtained by the students.

int main()
  FILE *fp;
  int marks, i;
  const char str[80], s[2]=" ";
  char *token;

  fp = fopen("classtest.txt","r");

  if(fp == NULL) { printf("File error.."); exit(0); }

  system("color A1");
  printf("  Class Test Graphical Report(2018)\n");
  printf(" Roll No.| Marks Obtained (Out of 20)\n");

token = strtok(str,s);
printf("     %s   | ", token);
token = strtok(NULL, s);
marks = atoi(token);
for(i=0; i<marks; i++)
  printf("%c", 254);
printf(" %d\n", marks);
  return 0;    

Output of Program

Project Demonstration - Graphical Report of Student Class Test

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