
Friday, November 17, 2017

C++ File Operations on Binary Files

This C++ file management program will append data into a binary file.
using namespace std;
class student
  int rollno;
  char name[20];
  char dept[10];

void getdata()
cout << "Rollno: ";
cin >> rollno;

cout << "Name: ";
cin >> name;

cout << "Branch: ";
cin >> dept;

int main()
  student s1;
  char ans='y';

  ofstream fout("student.txt", ios::app);

  while(ans=='y' || ans=='Y')
fout.write((char *)&s1, sizeof(s1));
cout<<"Data appended in file successfully.\n";
cout<<"\nWant to add more data? (y/n)..";

  return 0;

Output of program:

Rollno: 101
Name: Amit
Branch: MCA
Data appended in file successfully.

Want to add more data? (y/n)..y
Rollno: 102
Name: Sunit
Branch: PhD
Data appended in file successfully.

Want to add more data? (y/n)..n

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