
Saturday, February 25, 2017

RSA Encryption

Sample values taken for execution of RSA encryption are as under:

      e=7, d=23, n=187 and m=88

int main()
  long int e=7,n=187,d=23, m=88, c;
  int i;
  //you may read e,n,d and m from user.

  printf("Sample Data:e=7, d=23, n=187, m=88\n");

  for(i=0; i<e; i++)
    c = c*m%n;
  c = c%n;
  printf("Cipher Text of %i = %i \n",m, c);

  return 0;

Output of program:

Sample Data:e=7, d=23, n=187, m=88
Cipher Text of 88 = 11

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