
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Playfair Key Matrix Generation: Keyword validation according to the specification given in the algorithm.

/*Playfair Key Matrix Generation: Keyword validation according to the specification given in the algorithm.*/


int main(){

  char key[10];
  int i,j,flag=0, cnt=0, key_check[26]={};

  printf("Enter your keyword:");

  //Logic to count character frequency in MONARCHY
  for(i=0; i<strlen(key); i++)

  for(i=0; i<26; i++)
if(key_check[i] > 1)
//Logic to display frequency
//printf("%c=%d \n",i+65, key_check[i]);

printf("Keyword %s is not suitable for generating Playfair Key Matrix.", key);
printf("Keyword %s is ok for generating Playfair Key Matrix.", key);

  return 0;

//This program will check only keywords enter in Capital letters.

Output - 1
Enter your keyword:MONARCHY
Keyword MONARCHY is ok for generating Playfair Key Matrix.

Output - 2
Enter your keyword:HELLO
Keyword HELLO is not suitable for generating Playfair Key Matrix.

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