
Monday, October 31, 2016

C programming questions based on Array.

  • What are Arrays in C programming?
  • Give the importance of Array in C language.
  • What do you mean by subscript in C array?
  • Explain the difference between char and int array.
  • What do you mean by compile time initialization? Give suitable example of Compile time initialization of C Array.
  • Describe difference between runtime and compile time initialization of array in C program.
  • Give suitable example of 1-D array declaration and initialization.
  • Justify the statement: C compiler never check the array index out of bound error.
  • Write a C program to demonstrate 2-D array declaration and runtime initialization.
  • Describe the array index out of bound error in context of C array program.
  • What do you mean by multi dimensional array?
  • Give suitable example to access 2-D array elements.
  • Justify the statement: Array index always begins with zero.

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