
Friday, June 17, 2016

Examples of Bitwise operations

Examples of Bitwise operations

C programming language allows us to perform bit level operation using bitwise operators (AND, OR, etc.).

Example of bitwise AND operation

Bitwise AND operation on two numbers 30 and 25 is given below:

  30 in binary is 00011110
  25 in binary is 00011001

Bitwise AND operation on 30 and 25 is as under:

 & 00011001
   00011000 i.e. 24

Answer: 30 AND 25 = 24

Example of bitwise OR operation

Bitwise OR operation on two numbers 30 and 25 is given below:

  30 in binary is 00011110
  25 in binary is 00011001

Bitwise OR operation on 30 and 25 is as under:

OR 00011001
   00011111 i.e. 31

Answer: 30 OR 25 = 31

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