
Saturday, August 27, 2016

C program to Print Mark-sheet.

Basic Concepts >> C Program To Print Marksheet

Following C program will read marks of various subjects from user and then prints marksheet with required formatting.

Program Code


int main()
  int rollno, std, maths, science, english, hindi, computer;
  char name[30], school_name[30];

  printf("Enter your Roll No:");
  scanf("%d", &rollno);

  printf("Enter your name:");
  scanf(" %s", name);

  printf("Enter your School name:");
  scanf(" %s", school_name);

  printf("Enter your Standard:");
  scanf("%d", &std);

  printf("Enter marks of maths:");
  scanf("%d", &maths);

  printf("Enter marks of science:");
  scanf("%d", &science);

  printf("Enter marks of english:");
  scanf("%d", &english);

  printf("Enter marks of hindi:");
  scanf("%d", &hindi);

  printf("Enter marks of computer:");
  scanf("%d", &computer);

  printf("MARKSHEET OF STANDARD:%d, %s\n", std, school_name);
  printf("Roll No.: %d Student Name: %s\n", rollno, name);
  printf("Maths\t\t\t %d \n", maths);
  printf("Science\t\t\t %d \n", science);
  printf("English\t\t\t %d \n", english);
  printf("Hindi\t\t\t %d \n", hindi);
  printf("Computer\t\t %d \n", computer);
  printf("Total Marks:\t\t%d\n", maths+science+english+hindi+computer);

  return 0;

Output of Program

Enter your Roll No:101
Enter your name:PurvaPatel
Enter your School name:AhmedabadHighSchool
Enter your Standard:7
Enter marks of maths:90
Enter marks of science:80
Enter marks of english:95
Enter marks of hindi:85
Enter marks of computer:90
MARKSHEET OF STANDARD:7, AhmedabadHighSchool
Roll No.: 101   Student Name: PurvaPatel
SUBJECT                 MARKS
Maths                    90
Science                  80
English                  95
Hindi                    85
Computer                 90
Total Marks:            440

Friday, August 26, 2016

C Program to check given string is Palindrome or not.

// C Program to check given string is Palindrome or not.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
   char a[10], b[10];

   printf("Enter your string:\n");


   if (strcmp(a,b) == 0)
      printf("Entered string is a palindrome.\n");
      printf("Entered string is not a palindrome.\n");
   return 0;

Output of the Program:

Enter your string:
Entered string is a palindrome.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

C program to display Good morning message based on given time.

Conversion of flowchart to C program: Display Good morning message based on given time.

int main()
     int time;
     printf("Enter your time:");
     if(time < 12)
           printf("Good Morning...");
     return 0;

Output of the Program:

Enter your time:10
Good Morning...

Monday, August 22, 2016

C program to find the area of a square.

void main()
   float side;
   printf("Enter length of a side:");
   printf("Area of Square is: %.2f", side*side);

Output of the Program:

Enter length of a side:5
Area of Square is: 25.00

C program to find the area of a circle.

//C program to find the area of a circle.
void main()
   float r;
   printf("Enter radius:");
   printf("Area of Circle is: %.2f", 3.14*r*r);

Output of the Program:

Enter radius:2
Area of Circle is: 12.56

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Printing formatted output using ASCII value.

//Printing formatted output using ASCII value.

void main()
  int i;

  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  printf(" HELLO STUDENTS ");
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  printf(" HELLO STUDENTS ");
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  printf(" HELLO STUDENTS ");
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)

Output of the Program:

Use of arithmetic operators in C program.

//Use of arithmetic operators in C program.
//Arithmetic Operators: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
void main()
   int number1, number2;
   printf("Enter number1:");

   printf("Enter number2:");
   printf("Addition      : %d \n", number1 + number2 );
   printf("Subtraction  : %d \n", number1 - number2 );
   printf("Multiplication: %d \n", number1 * number2 );
   printf("Division      : %d \n", number1 / number2 );

// This program handles only integer values as number1 and number 2 are declared as int.

Output of the Program:

Enter number1:20
Enter number2:10
Addition      : 30
Subtraction   : 10
Multiplication: 200
Division      : 2

Friday, August 19, 2016

Use of decrement (--) operator in C program.

//Use of decrement (--) operator in C program.
void main()
            int marks=61;
            marks--; //will subtract 1 from 61
            printf("%d", marks);

Output of the Program:


Use of increment (++) operator in C program.

//Use of increment (++) operator in C program.

void main()
    int marks=59;
    marks++; //will add 1 to 59
    printf("%d", marks);

Output of the Program:


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

C program to count no. of digits in a given number.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  int number, count=0;
  printf("Enter your number: ");
  scanf("%d", &number);
      number = number / 10;   
      count = count + 1;
  printf("Number of digits = %d", count);
  return 0;

Output of the Program:

Enter your number: 10123
Number of digits = 5

Use of #define in C program.

Use of #define in C program.

#define p printf
#define s scanf
int main()
      float rs, paise;
      p("Enter Price:");
      s("%f", &rs);
      paise = rs * 100;
      p("Price in Paise = %.2f", paise);        
      return 0;

Output of the Program

Enter Price:5.5
Price in Paise = 550.00

Sunday, August 14, 2016

C program to perform mathematical operations on characters.

C program to perform mathematical operations on characters.

int main()
            char ch1, ch2;
            ch1 = 'A';
            ch2 = 'B';
            printf("Addition of two characters: %d", ch1 + ch2);
            //Ascii of A is 65, Ascii of B is 66, hence addition is 131.
            //"%d" in printf will print 131.
            //"%c" will print corresponding character of 131.
            return 0;

Output of program

Addition of two characters: 131

Use of various Data Types in C program.

Use of various Data Types in C program.

int main()
            int rollno;
            char name[20];
            float age;
            char grade;
            printf("Enter your roll no.:");
            scanf("%d", &rollno);
            printf("Enter your name:");
            scanf("%s", name);
            printf("Enter your age:");
            scanf("%f", &age);
            printf("Enter your grade:");
            scanf(" %c", &grade);
            //Note: if program not read value properly,
            //leave one space before " %c"
            //Logic for Printing output....
            printf("Your Roll No is %d.\n", rollno);
            printf("Your Name is %s.\n", name);
            printf("Your Age is %.1f.\n", age);
            //Note: "%.1f" will print with one decimal point
            printf("Your Grade is %c.\n", grade);
            return 0;

Output of the Program:

Enter your roll no.:101
Enter your name:ABC
Enter your age:23.5
Enter your grade:A
Your Roll No is 101.
Your Name is ABC.
Your Age is 23.5.
Your Grade is A.

Friday, August 12, 2016

C program to ring a bell using ASCII value 7.

int main()
  //following printf will ring a beep sound.
  printf("%c", 7);
  // Note:7 is ASCII value of a beep sound.
  // Note:Use %c to ring a beep sound.
  return 0;

Output of Program:

You will listen a beep sound.