int main(){
char str1[80]="Hello Student How are you?", *token ;
const char s[2] = " ";
int counter=0;
printf("Given String = %s",str1);
token = strtok(str1,s);
while (token != NULL)
token = strtok(NULL, s);
printf("\nTotal words in a given string is %d", counter );
return 0;
Output of program:
Given String = Hello Student How are you?
Total words in a given string is 5
int main(){
char str1[80]="Hello Student How are you?", *token ;
const char s[2] = " ";
int counter=0;
printf("Given String = %s",str1);
token = strtok(str1,s);
while (token != NULL)
token = strtok(NULL, s);
printf("\nTotal words in a given string is %d", counter );
return 0;
Output of program:
Given String = Hello Student How are you?
Total words in a given string is 5